Rules of Payment of Fee

1. Fees will be collected in three installments in the School up to l5ht of the due month as follows:

1st Instalment : (April, May, June, July) to be paid between 1st to 15 April .

2nd Instalment : ( August, September, October and November) to be paid between 1st to 16 August .

3rd Instalment : (December, January, February and March) to be paid between 1st to 15 Dec.

2. In Case of non-deposit to fee installment in time, student’s name may be struck off from the rolls and will be re-admitted with fine and other charges.

3. All Installments are stamped with a serial no. in the receipt booklet.

4. In case of damage or lost of fee booklet, duplicate fee booklet will be issued by charging Rs. 30!-.

5. The receipt has to be preserved and produced in the office when needed.

6. Payment must be deposited only in School Office as per given dates above.

7. After the dates mentioned, fees will be collected with late fees of Rs. 100!- for each month.

8. Board Examination fees, registration fees and continuation fees will be charged extra.